Are You Working With The Best Experiential Marketing Agency?

by Nov 27, 2014

Working with the best experiential marketing agency does take some trial and error. Here are three things to look for when finding the best experiential marketing company.

Reach for the Stars 

What kind of an ROI (return on investment) are you getting from these different experiences? What is your overall return? Just because you are spending money on a costly marketing campaign doesn’t necessarily mean that you are getting what you should from the investment. That is, some of the clients who have taken the bait from these experiential marketing agencies may have been your customer base all along. So while it’s nice to do nice things for your current customers, what you really want from the best experiential marketing agency is new traffic to your business and new money in your pocket.

Yes, it’s cheaper to keep existing customers than attract new but it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t reach for the stars. If you are not getting a high enough percentage return of new customer money from the cash you have been spending, you may need to explore new avenues.

How’s My Marketing?

What is the spirit of the marketing? How does the experiential marketing you are doing with this company make you feel, objectively? If you can’t answer that, ask someone you’re close with whether or not they appreciate what is happening in your marketing. As a rule it can be difficult for us to separate ourselves from our work. Just because we have been babying something from its inception doesn’t mean that what we have been spending our time on is something worthwhile.

Don’t Work with a Jive Turkey

What is the personality fitment with your experiential marketing agency? This can often be the whole ball of cheese. If you are ready to get in the faces of your customers, to have them experience, feel, touch and become your product and your marketing partners are just not jiving, then you maybe haven’t found the best experiential marketing agency match for you. Just like dating, your personalities have to at least hum at some kind of stasis together or there’s really no point in keeping things going.

Do your homework, crunch the numbers, and always go with your gut. You didn’t get to where are by playing footsies with business partners. If the experiential marketing agency you’ve got isn’t cutting it, cut them.

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